co-founder of the world

Only a few members of secret societies know something close to ‘Son of Him who had the ‘Illuminati’) exists, but this is where human sacrifice of the Dragon Order strictly compartmentalised with the very program runs through the DNA of families. These pyramid structures are founded children. This is why human sacrifice and level dictates to the one below and those the bloodlines have located and it still goes below who are aware of their true in a later chapter. When you think that one they worship as their true god, the present Elizabeth II, was descended Bailey (1888-1977) was a Freemason, it puts into even more perspective Theosophical Society, and co-founder of the world as both have expanded their works of his wife, the occultist Alice Bailey. ancient Sanskrit work from what is now have since become mixed in many parts of scriptures, says that a people called the territory and influence. The Mahabharata, left India and settled in Mesopotamia, India and Asia and one of the major Hindu the oldest of Sanskrit accounts, tells of a Mayas (the Nagas under another Name) also Dragons, that came from the skies to bring Egypt and Greece. The Book of Dyzan, one of great deluge that ended the Golden Age, and reptilian race that it calls the Sarpa, or Great rule human society under their leader, the civilisation to the world. It also refers to a global and found its way into Celtic how the serpent gods returned afterwards to ‘Great Dragon.’ Worship of the serpent gods survived the break up and sinking of Atlantis in the Atlantic Ocean mostly went East to what is now Europe and the Middle East. The Muan and Atlantean bloodlines (or controlled) agents and gofers.

Jackson has not stopped lying, manipulating that this upper pyramid (often referred to a rich ever since. He called for the Orwellian real power lies and those degrees are also Administration to be unleashed with highest levels occupied only by Archon families with a big increase in gun crime and murder fear and super-secrecy at all levels. Each control laws in America. The two are not the top of the bloodline pyramid, and all to those opposing gun seizure laws to bring masters, are terrified of the Archons and as domestic terrorists who should be disarmed Demiurge, or the Devil/Satan/Lucifer. list of the Archontic Homeland Security and National Secretary of Madame Blavatsky’s while claiming to do the opposite. This is the Lucis [Lucifer] Trust which promoted the families who invaded that land to operate as a hive mind, much like a bee or ant be in many ways a diversion of communications (their own form of Matrix) global attention from where the looks around and says ‘what the fuck real power lies. America is clearly sheep were standing around at a cocktail the centre of global power, as coming through the door. ‘Thank everyone knows that, right? what to do.’ Have I not just described Britain? Oh, no that’s just a faded of humanity behaves and how people empire. Rome? Oh, no, that’s the past its religions, to tell them what to do and same. Well, actually they are not years is how information has been put faded empires at all. They are key

the pyramids do not. This same structure masters dictating a common policy applies to governments, universities, constant centralisation and advancement schools, corporations, media, banks – of human control through all the various everything. These various institutions and pyramids. It doesn’t matter to sections of society are themselves them when banks, governments etc., come ultimately grouped together in bigger and go, because they own the game. If you pyramids in a structure that can be own the Olympic Games it doesn’t matter likened to Russian dolls with pyramids who wins or loses the 100 metres final or inside bigger pyramids and eventually all the long jump, because you own the Queen and the British royal family centres of power and manipulation. Prince Charles of a hidden global empire. Why while on a trip to his property in does a ‘faded empire’ like Britain line connection gave him a ‘stake’ in have a permanent place on the Bush family is also related to Vlad United Nations Security Council to who have read some of my other books decide who is bombed and who kings of ancient Media in what is now isn’t? Because it has been a centre of Archon bloodline power for centuries. When I speak of

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