reactionaries have utilized any and all means to register smug contempt for Gavin Newsom these past few days, with a record-breaking heat wave leading to California’s energy companies warning of the possibility of blackouts as a result of added strain on the electrical grid. Newsom issued a directive that urges Californians to reduce power usage during peak times, generally 5 – 9pm. the rejoinder from those eager to castigate the pretty boy/petty tyrant asks, sarcastically, how outlawing the sale of gas-powered vehicles will lead to reduced power usage, since in that eventuality everyone will need to charge their electric vehicles. far be it from me to criticize someone for criticizing Gavin Newsom, for whom I reserve a special disdain, but electric cars are generally charged overnight, when energy consumption is at its lowest. this is not to disagree with those who bemoan how mismanaged California’s energy is, which is manifestly obvious to anyone paying attention to it.
speaking of draining energy, this past weekend was a reminder to me of the importance of taking preventative measures against vampires. vampires are adept at finding ways to harness energy for their own gratification with a minimum of effort. indications someone you are dealing with is a vampire include: negligible interest being paid to whomever they seek validation from; disregard for the time and energy required to maintain cordial relations; actions directly contradicting any illusory evidence of their ostensible care; willful ignorance of any efforts to communicate hurt feelings. if vanquishing via the traditional wooden stake in the heart is not an option, I recommend, once their true nature has been revealed to you, that you deny at every opportunity their attempts to reconcile. vampires must be invited into one’s life, after all, and while difficult, it is not impossible to retract an already opened invitation.
there are no major astrological events worth commenting on at present, which reflects, personally, the doldrums of being a week away from moving into a new place. my apartment is very small, so I can’t really begin dissembling the living space I’ve inhabited for the past seven years until there’s somewhere to move things to. the moon moved into Aquarius last night at 8:40PM PDT, almost exactly when I got off the phone with Erikk, who, like everyone else I know, it seems, is also moving in the near future. I wanted to start yesterday on these near-daily, astrologically-tinted posts, but the site I purchase hosting space from was down all afternoon, which prevented me from accessing my blog.
Mercury in Libra is trine Mars in Gemini, air signs concerned with the manner in which ideas constitute the social relations between people and others. this aspect will hover there for a few days as Mercury turns retrograde on the 9th. I expect an atmosphere conducive to harmonious and logical, if somewhat strenuous, reflection on the myriad ways people interact with each other: both practically/physically, due to Mars’s influence, and intellectually/linguistically, Mercury’s domain. this as Saturn in Aquarius squares Uranus in Taurus, a chance to actualize any sensuous illusions presently impeding one’s ability to articulate and structure desire. Virgo season being in full swing, it is time to reinforce what works and sacrifice what doesn’t, in an effort to purify one’s sphere, taking special care to exorcise all vampiric influences.
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