behind the smiling mask, a scowling mask

fuck I’m supposed to do this still? like, every day?

i’m making brownies for the first time in a while. i pulled them out a bit too early, but didn’t realize it til after i transferred them from the pan to the cooling rack. some hemming and hawing. transferred the parchment paper and brownies back into the pan and turned the oven back on. now the oven timer is beeping at me. nope, still a little underdone. typing typing typing for about a minute more, didn’t put another timer on just going by feel. this post i think might be an important one, but only for me. up til now i’ve been studiously avoiding mentioning my therapist. who likes to hear about someone’s therapist? no one! fuck “normalizing taking care of your mental health.” like, that’s great and all, (hold on brownies are done) but a real conversation about mental health would involve how social conditions are making everyone depressed anxious borderline bipolar whatever, and so when employers and corporations are all saying like, “normalize mental health!” i can’t help but roll my eyes and do the jackoff gesture.

but my therapist and i have been working on a lot of the blocks and neuroses i have about writing, why i can never finish things, why it’s hard for me to broach certain topics, what emotions i feel like i can and can’t express. i haven’t talked to her about this project yet because i haven’t seen her since starting it, but i think this is a good project for brute forcing me into facing some of the things i avoid thinking about and therefore writing. if you read me at all, i think it’s pretty obvious i feel a lot more comfortable writing about things that aren’t me, and not just because i say all the time that i don’t like writing about me. the confidence and skill that comes through when i’m, i dunno, explaining what i understand about the FTX collapse, it’s very different when i try to talk about myself. i become evasive, less playful, more vague. but what this project will inevitably run up against is: i won’t always have something to explain in a pithy way, just because coming up with something like that, and doing enough research to sound convincing, isn’t possible on the time constraint i’ve given myself. sometimes that’s what these posts will be, for sure. but today, i avoided even thinking about what i’d write because i had no idea what to write about. started this with what i was doing at the time: making brownies.

alright, the straight dope, what’s been bothering me the last few days, and not some abstracted geopolitical problem that yes is important but does not actually affect my day to day life right now. my therapist thinks when i abstract into complaining about “social conditions” or political issues that that’s me subconsciously skirting something in my psyche that’s uncomfortable, upsetting, whatever. like i mentioned yesterday, the repressed always returns, but in mutated, veiled, symbolic, or some other disfigured form. so what’s bothering me? well, the way my life is right now, no one around me, not among the people i interact with daily, face to face, in non-virtual spaces, no one has any of the same interests as me. that’s fine, i guess, i have niche, particular interests that most people don’t share. what the problem is is that i’m not someone who will be sort of arrogant, or publicly standoffish, about that fact; rather than tell people i think the books they’re reading are popular trash that offend my sensibilities, or else are works intended for children that adults shouldn’t read, i say “oh no I haven’t read it, I’ve seen it at work a lot, I know a lot of people like it smiley face.” this requires that i continually dumb myself down so as to be pleasant dinner company, and repeatedly performing that role becomes an impediment to fully being what it is i feel i am, namely, an intelligent and gifted literary artist who is overall disgusted with the present cultural and social landscape.

when my radar senses that someone, or the company i’m with, is not someone who i “vibe with,” my tendency is to half-dissociate, avoid looking at anything in particular, pay enough attention to smile or laugh or make a witty comment, but otherwise just sort of wait til i can get the fuck out of the scenario. this prevents me from being a present and fully observant person, which makes it hard to, you know, write from my experience. if my experience is always being halfway to checked out, then all the details to draw on melt into a miasmic haze of indiscernibility. why this is my tendency is not something i’ll divulge here: see, cody, writing plainly here can help you tease out what you should save for fiction! it’s working!

anyway, i recognized myself doing this, this strategic deployment of an attention deficit, last night at dinner with my girlfriend’s parents, who know the chef at a popular ojai restaurant and so chatted with him. i did not like the chef, but why isn’t important: what i realized though is that instead of depriving the situation of my attention, giving just enough to survive the interaction, what i ought to do when feeling that way is pay extremely close attention, and start tactically clowning. withdrawing is one way to create space for myself, but it’s passive, and strategically weak—there’s probably an Art of War quote to support this notion but this post i think i need to work only with my thoughts. advancing, by playing a ridiculous character, this also creates space for myself (not to mention potential writing material), but actively, assertively.

on a separate but related thread, i saw a carl jung quote in a dumb meme somewhere today, the quote about how loneliness isn’t about being physically alone, but is what happens when you feel like what you have to express won’t be understood by those around you, making the prospect feel helpless. loneliness is the isolation of perceived solipsism. and not only do i often feel lonely in this way, but also i feel it is a detriment to my prospects as a writer. great artists almost always come out of scenes where lots of other artists are thinking about and discussing ideas about art, culture, politics, together, and i don’t have that, especially not where i live, which is as culturally barren as it is geographically beautiful. it’s possible this is a me problem: i don’t look hard enough, or i don’t make myself open and vulnerable enough to potentially be surprised in places i might have already written off. i’m feeling this more acutely lately since some of the online spaces i once found stimulating no longer satisfy the need for interesting conversation, plus i’m just not sure i’m the type of person who can navigate The Internet™️ effectively. i just never really figured out how to interact with Platforms in that way. i was always a lurker and a lowbie. not that i want to be Internet Famous, but there’s not much hope for an artist these days if they don’t have connections in their industry or if they can’t independently build an audience so that agents/publishers/galleries can capitalize without doing the work that agents/publishers/galleries once did, namely help artists find an audience. i admit that part of my problem with gaining traction is that i tend to not be very consistent, but hey, this stupid project? it means i have to do this every fucking day. grindset mindset bro.

truly hate this post for how unguarded i’m being but that’s why it’s good for me. if it’s good for you, please comment, or send me an email: palmtreesonfire at protonmail dot com.

chug new dick

So you decided to undertake a wittle writing project for you blog. Look at you! Trying things. That’s great. But now you’re thinking “Hmm, writing is kinda hard. It’d be way easier to drink a beer or three, doomscroll for a bit (boy what’s happening in Gaza sure is bad, huh?), land on a post from one of your favorite pornstars, open up PornHub, type her name, click through the seventy billion pages of videos, most of them duplicates of one another, search for one you haven’t seen before, even though you really want one you have seen before but you pretend that porn actually helps introduce novelty into your life by showing you aspects of human sexuality you might not otherwise be exposed to, land on a video produced (have you really been watching internet porn that long?) 15 years ago, reflect how the people depicted in it don’t really even exist anymore, the intervening time so great that you are in effect watching ghosts fuck each other, the morbid reality of that realization inspiring the ambient concern that you somehow have become an ersatz necrophiliac, without even the courage to exhume a physical corpse, none of this stopping you from ejaculating some 15-35 minutes later, making a mess on your hand and in your pubic hair, at which point you pause the video, an obscene close up left on screen as you go to retrieve a tissue, and then another, and then another.”

But you didn’t do that! Good for you. Gold star. Still, you’re not sure what direction to take this wittle bitty project. So let’s brainstorm the FUCK out of some super awesome things you can do!

Dear Diary AKA The Livejournal Method

A long, long time ago (Star Wars reference), way back in the early Web 2.0 days, people blogged. What did they blog about? Their lives! Teens sat in class, ate lunch, hung out with their friends, went to rehearsal for the spring musical (Bye Bye Birdie), came home, then fired up that old Windows XP and logged into Livejournal to write about their secret crushes, how Dad and Mom took their Nokia away, whether they passed their driver’s test, and which Dashboard Confessional song they were feeling the most like that week. Obviously it’s “Saints and Sailors”:

Unfortunately, you may not be a teenager any more. Sad to say, but that’s the way of life. Yeah, part of the mystique of blogging was implanted in your mind at that age, and there’s some regret you still hang on to for not having thrown yourself more fully into the blogosphere back then, because maybe if you had, you wouldn’t be here now, long after the wave’s broken, thinking “if I just commit myself to an insane blog project maybe I can revitalize this stupid website that’s supposed to help me build an audience, even though no one reads blogs any more.” Maybe you’d have a successful podcast with people you met online 15 years ago, or you’d be published by New York Tyrant, and maybe you’d have moved to Brooklyn and met Honor Levy at some gallery opening. But that’s not what you want, is it? Do you know what you want? It’s not clear you do. Your compulsions and neuroses suggest you want to scold yourself and repeatedly subject yourself to the pain of trying methods you know will fail. You also clearly do not want to reveal too much about yourself, or else you wouldn’t have veered into this hypothetical, speaking in the second person, in the midst of the section about how one easy thing to do on a blog is to write about yourself. The repressed always returns.

Anyway, what was I saying?

Writing Advice

You’re a writer, write? Ha ha, puns. Why not offer up some hard-earned wisdom about the writing process? People always love that. Especially people who, rather than writing, spend hours searching for “writing tips.” Here, let’s give it a shot:

Everyone says the most important part of writing is sitting your butt in that chair, greasing up the typewriter with a big can of WD-40, winding some paper you stole from work into it, and click-click-clickity clacking one word after another. Doesn’t matter if the words are good, or if you don’t have any ideas, or if you’re just writing to aggrandize your ego without any concern for whether you have something worth saying, just put that work in, tiger! True, sticking to a routine helps train the subconscious to be ready to show up at the desk when you do. BUT! But. Routines suck. Am I right folks? And sometimes! Sometimes it’s just not working for you! We tend to get married to a certain system of working; sometimes more seriously than we do our spouses! Heck, if I was as committed to matrimony as I was my shitty writing routine, I wouldn’t be thrice divorced! And maybe I’d’ve actually published something by now. So let that go to show you: don’t be afraid to switcheridoo things up sometimes, you shitfucker! Usually write in the morning? Write at night! Usually write at night? Write at lunch! Usually write at lunch? Write only when the moon is in Scorpio! Don’t write at the coffee shop this week, or do write at the coffee shop! I don’t know what you do. How can I! I’m just a random internet voice! You don’t know me! Why would you take my advice?

Current Events

Since yesterday, amidst a sense of ratcheting intensity, characteristic of a regime who senses its time slipping away yet desperate to make the most of its opportunity, Israel has bombed ambulance convoys, three hospitals, five UN schools being used as shelters, and Al-Azhar University. The total Palestinian dead since Oct 7 is over 7000. That’s an average of about 10 deaths every hour.

Career Development

What do people like from content? No, it’s not to be condescended to by it. No, no, it’s not to feel disdained by a product that clearly thinks very little of their intelligence. NO it’s not a narcotic escape from the pain of self-consciousness! It’s relatability! People love things that are relatable. That’s why they’re always saying things like, “That’s so relatable!” And what’s more relatable to a literary audience than getting a story rejected everywhere it’s submitted? Sharing your successes, and, more likely, failures, with publishing is a great way to pad out your writer’s blog! Plus, it just might happen to motivate you to keep sending that stupid fucking godawful story to another shithole publication no one but the extremely niche internet literary community knows about.

Growing Your Audience

It’s important to make your blog SEO friendly so that it’s reachable by search engine chatgpt israel taylor swift travis kelce matthew perry nfl scores spirit halloween black friday world series college football hamas killers of the flower moon martin scorsese leo dicaprio lily gladstone weather amazon email youtube news facebook walmart translate calculator map wordle mlb nba instagram twitter costco elon musk joe rogan podcast donald trump ukraine zelensky joe biden antony blinken ceasefire free palestine free palestine free palestine free palestine

Literary Theory

Remember manifestos? Well, the correct Italian plural is “manifesti,” but do I look-alike my name issa Giuseppe? Whatever happened to that, huh? Writers should be more annoying in the “this art is going to destroy the suffocating provincialism of bourgeois society” way and less annoying in the….well maybe you should save all the ways writers are annoying for another post.

Writing In Spanish

Es importante cuando al aprender español escribir y hablar en la idioma todos los días. De esta manera, puedes practicar lo que sabes y reconocer las palabras or la gramática que debes repasar. Quizás tu español es malo, y quieres mejorar, o tu español es muy fuerte. Escribir en español en tu blog es una idea gran por razones muy numerosas. ¡Buenas suerte!

Other Art Endeavors

Did you see a movie and think, hey! I want to make movies! Or maybe you remembered how there are a bunch of canvases and oil paints that you haven’t touched in, god, it’s been almost four years now? Having a variety of creative outlets is fantabulous, in no small part because you can blog about them! So if you do decide to learn film production, or bongo drumming, or god knows what else your terrible attention span might latch on to, just be sure to document the process of becoming fascinated by it, then totally losing interest within a week or two, on your blog!

Alienate people by describing masturbation

Well, well, well! Seems like you’ve already done this one!

from Chumash country

imagine the ethereal, earthy tones of a native american flute. so meditative, so calm. no better way for white people to experience the pure, indigenous connection to nature felt by those noble, majestic tribes we spent the last 400 years slaughtering. actually, perhaps there is a better way: why not play Amazing fucking Grace on the instrument? who couldn’t appreciate that?

why yoga instructors think it appropriate to include native american music at all in their class playlists is baffling to me, but then again yoga is all about syncretism. the class i heard this song in was a “yin” yoga class. “yin” is chinese philosophy. yoga is indian. like, south asian indian. not native american indian. if it were native american indian then i might understand the flute music. what yin has to do with yoga i don’t know. the class is nice though. long postures supported by blocks and bolsters where you surrender to gravity, low in active (yang) effort. really gets shit opened up, and my body was very tense after traveling over the weekend then spending the first half of the week sick on the couch. anyway it’s all love to my yoga studio, on the off chance someone sees the sticker with my blog URL on my water bottle and comes here to see me talking shit about the yoga instructor.

something this little project of mine will force me to accept is that i can’t always manage people’s perception of me. sometimes i’m gonna write something that offends people. even now as i’m thinking about this, my mind is reeling with the fear that i’ll reveal the secrets that unlock what i’m up to artistically. instead of being so plainspoken (i talk about this a lot i feel) i ought to be more oblique, more provocative. but that’s not really what a blog is for. plus there’s like, 5 people maybe who look at this anyway, so if you’re one of those people, you probably already know me. but that’s not a safe refuge, because ideally more people would read this, and it’s okay if i just say how i feel! if people don’t like it it’s fine! it’s not actually more artistically satisfying to be a sphinx all the time, and being direct here, on my blog, doesn’t preclude me from being gnomic or cryptic or hermetic or whatever in fiction. separating the two out will actually probably help rather than hinder. so if i offend you, i don’t mean to, unless i do mean to, in which case, good riddance.

tangential to this: people are facing personal or professional repurcussions for speaking out about what’s happening in palestine. curiously, the only comments i ever receive on this blog are from israeli spambots, or at least i think they’re spambots, bc if they’re not then they’re very cryptically trying to scare me that i’m being surveilled by israelis. which maybe i am. the internet is not a safe place. it was designed precisely to track and control information by intelligence and military agencies. all of which is to say, i wonder if i went really hard into talking about how israel has killed 36 palestinian journalists in the past month, would some shadowy PROMIS backdoor shut down my site? if that were so, that’s pretty cool! that little ole me poses such a threat to the zionist settler colonial death program.

back to the american settler colonial death progam, I’m about to head to the theatre to see killers of the flower moon.

obligatorily, i must admit that was the longest i’ve spent in a movie theatre, maybe ever. definitely in several years. the last “new” movie i saw in a theatre (maybe the last “new” movie i saw? idk i haven’t seen many new movies since the pandemic) was parasite.

(reminding myself that this is only the second day of this project, and it’s important that i build momentum more than anything else at this point, but goddamn i really don’t want this to be like, a “blog” of my day to day life, that’s boring, and that’s not even what i’m doing really, but whatever moving on)

the trailers that played before, all 25 minutes worth of them, only confirmed my deep conviction that martin scorsese isn’t allowed to die. who else is going to make Movies, nay, Films like this? it should be illegal to promote marvel movies before a scorsese feature. also there’s this movie, from the people who made the kingsmen movies, called argylle? and with like, john cena and bryce dallas howard and sam rockwell, and like, the most memorable thing from the trailer is the horrendous CGI cat? did CGI effects get worse in the last 10 years? it’s always been bad but jesus. the writers and SAG should have included a ban on digital effects in their contract negotiations. (there were some digital effects in killers of the flower moon, because obv it’s cheaper to fill out a scene with CGI cows than it is to get a bunch of live cows on location. I’m just saying, maybe if filmmakers/studios didn’t have the option to just “add it in post” then they’d make more deliberate choices, and maybe better films.)

but the movie. (uhh minor spoilers i guess?) the last 40 minutes is really the only section that drags a bit in an otherwise supremely tight 206 minute runtime. a few bits fall kind of flat: brendan fraser overacts. we could probably do without the indian visions of owls as harbingers of death. the references to the tulsa bombing might have been better integrated.

aside from that? an incredible picture. to think that marty’s been making movies 60+ years and still he can manage something new, something that fits perfectly alongside goodfellas but at the same time feels nothing like anything else he’s made. a work of art that grapples with the brutal realities of white supremacy, the greed and paranoia surrounding the oil industry, the complex interplay between love and fear. is there a more apt and surreal image of america than a parade with Native American “Mothers of Veterans” immediately followed by the Ku Klux Klan? a true gift. he’s not allowed to die.

still not quite up to word count on this, even less than yesterday, but i need to craft a letterboxd review.

na, now rim o

already hung up trying to be smart, researching mechanism of action for the influenza virus. not the goal here. sure we can do that from time to time, but we’re trying to get out of our own way. quit thinking so much. you don’t have to be so smart all the time. you really aren’t even that smart you know.

so what is this? well, some nerd, don’t know when, decided that november is “national novel writing month.” which nation? presumably the US, but not going to look that up. the website for NaNoWriMo is offensive to me. as though novel writing were a yearly vacation. not surprisingly, most of the participants in NaNoWriMo (hesitation over calling them “writers”…) write young adult fantasy. in one vlog documenting a woman’s NaNoWriMo, she described the premise of her novel as twins finding a room with seven doors, each door opening onto a different world, “it’d be like if one door opens onto Narnia, another door opens onto Hogwarts.” fantasy lands created by reactionary Tories. blehh.

but what we’re doing. originally seemed like maybe it’d be a worthwhile exercise, cranking out a 50,000 word novel in a month, just to finish something, practice not caring so much about how it gets done, just so long as does get done, feel? but I had that idea on november the first, and no idea to follow. well, maybe just write prose, incanting “this is a novel” over whatever comes to pass? no. there’s a novel to work on already. and stories too. what first appeared a productive exercise then revealed itself for what it was: a distraction.

the idea stuck though, like phlegm in sinuses still flushing out influenza virus. last year we set out to create a drone track every day through the month of december. but we’re a writer first, so why not do something similar, but with text? so we’re writing every day. ideally a total of 50,000 words. here on this blog. whatever it takes. reflections, screeds, explanations, games, exercises, prophecies, sermons, diary entries, raps, reviews, complaints, riffs, whatever else.

throat aches. hurts to swallow. it’s hard to get a KN95 properly sealed around my face, with my bony narrow nose, so when I’m sucking a Ricola, herbal exhale rushes through the gaps into my eyes. like skiing in the alps without goggles. ahhhhh. getting over the flu. early yesterday, I spent hours lying on the couch, doing nothing. sleeping maybe 25 minutes. I wondered how I would ever feel better again. do I wake up one morning rid of the headache, the bodily fatigues, the shivers and fever? do symptoms gradually fade away? will life always be this miserable? late morning I was sweating and hot. sat outside to read in the sun. slightly uncomfortable, but I forced myself. 10 pages. that’s 15 minutes. the sun, it’s good for you! (no idea why I think this.) and you know what? I was right! I went inside, showered, and realized, hey! I think I’m getting better! just like that! fever’s gone, less fatigue, I can practically skip around the house! the flu comes on and departs rapidly, unlike the plodding inevitability of a cold.

the mechanism of action for the influenza virus is thus: as everyone know, flu travels on droplets and aerosols expressed when someone talks, coughs, sneezes, or breathes. these particles can travel up to two meters before they fall onto some surface, where they can persist for some time, depending on the surface. when an influenza virus successfully lodges in the mucosa membrane of the upper respiratory tract, buddy, you’re fucked. that’s why you’re not supposed to touch your face. me, though, I fucking love rubbing my eyes. no greater physical, nonsexual pleasure. well maybe eating when really hungry. whatever. sometimes you have to make ridiculous claims for the rhetorical effect. look I don’t always speak super precisely, okay? fuck you! who ever said language was precise anyway? language is a paltry, pathetic attempt to make sense of a fundamentally insensible situation known as the cosmos. the cosmos are much more than what we perceive, and therefore way way way much more than what we can say. so don’t expect words to be exact. we aren’t adherents of the ‘correspondence theory’ around these parts, alright? fucking vulgarians, that crowd. though the characterization just now that language is an attempt by humans, that’s not exactly right either. way too much agency granted to humans by that framing. language infects humanity, infected humanity a long time ago, and we are mutated by it as much as it is mutated by us, via antigenic drift/shift. a symbiotic relationship that seems, frankly, in the long run, more parasitic than symbiotic, and not to the benefit of humanity. at least, that’s what the current era seems to suggest. we may yet find some balance, something to ground us again.

whew really coming out the gate hot with this huh! already talking about language as a virus are we! maybe shouldn’t haved watched that not-very-good documentary about bill s burroughs yesterday! it’s not very good because often it’s not very interesting getting a peek at the lived world of a writer. it only titillates the voyeurs and the faithful. plus the production is kind of whatever. it’s hard to understand what burroughs is saying a lot of the time. better just to read the books, and if you’re really set on it, maybe a biography. what’s up with that barry miles anyway? how’d he get stuck doing all the hagiography for the beats? seems like a bum gig. but what do i know.

when i was in the sun reading yesterday, what i was reading is The Man in the High Castle. pretty damn good book. dick is a weird writer, and I don’t mean he writes about weeeiiiirdd stuff, man. he does, that’s true. but he’s a strange case because the writing itself is kind of unremarkable. he sometimes lands a nice line, sometimes gets the prose to sing, but more often you can sense that he wrote a ton due to financial pressure and also thanks to all that sweet, sweet 60s speed he was gobbling up. numnumnumnumnum. mmm, benzedrine. where would the twentieth century be without it? but because of all that, he doesn’t seem the most attentive self-editor. he earns a lot of credit for how prophetic the ideas are, but as like a literary artist…i dunno. i’m torn. a lot of really reputable writers really love him; bolaño was a big fan. i read somewhere without citation that pynchon read a lot of dick.

ok but! but! i didn’t bring this up to say i don’t like PKD! I like PKD! The Man in the High Castle is very good, much funnier than i anticipated, and up to very weird metatextual shit i wasn’t entirely expecting even though i knew about it coming in. to say the novel is an alternate history where the axis won wwii really does it a disservice. that’s the plot premise, sure, but it uses that as a base for a deeper exploration of artifice vs reality, fiction vs nonfiction. the way fake historical artifacts resonate with the plot’s premise, and how the plot’s premise is double inverted with the in-world alternate history novel that’s about what if the allies won wwii? incredible. it’s also great to see PKD riff on his usual questions, like how does fantasy conflict with reality, is there a difference between fantasy and reality, in a setting that places them on a little firmer politco-historical grounds. i’m about halfway through.

another reason I’m doing this is because with the genocide of the palestinian people going on, it’s hard to feel like my dumb little writing projects deserve my attention. but it’s not like anything changes if i don’t write, so i should keep writing.

it’s a struggle to not care too much about what this is. also a bit of a struggle to get to the word count goal. calling this one for today. we’ll see how this goes: don’t anticipate it all being like this. we want to get some range here. we love NaNoWriMo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

the cost of free speech

in a paywalled post on his very lucrative and popular Substack, the ersatz Hunter Thompson Matt Taibbi covered a recent development in the ongoing battle between European regulatory bodies and the Big Tech firms. The EU passed the Digital Services Act, which places far greater onus on platforms for monitoring content and for doing away with manipulative user interface designs. as part of this roll out, European Commissioner for the Internal Market Thierry Breton has sent letters to Zuck and Musk warning them that they’ll need to do something about the “illegal content” on their respective platforms if they want to avoid hefty consequences for continuing to operate on the Continent.

Taibbi’s very reasoned and thoughtful stance on this supposedly censorious overreach by the EU is that Zuck and Musk “should hire Louis C.K. and have him flown to Brussels to tell Breton in person, American-style, to eat a bag of d— (sic).” the post is titled “Europe, Get Off Our Speech Lawn,” and subtitled “The European Union deigns to lecture America on free expression.” you don’t need that lecture though, huh Matty, seeing how polite you were to self-censor your slam dunk dick joke.

whatever Taibbi goes on to say about this I have no idea, because I’m not giving Substack my credit card information. this morning I’m feeling pretty down on Substack, despite my own use of the platform, since they rely on schlubs like me to provide free content while making cash deals with gigapundits like Taibbi and Glenn Greenwald, all to legitimize their business model and erode what’s left of public journalism in the exact same way Uber destroyed taxi cab companies.

the extent to which the DSA actually censors anything that would not be censored in offline media is unclear to me. “hate speech, child sexual abuse material, scams, non-consensual sharing of private images, promotion of terrorism, the sale of counterfeit or unsafe products and copyright infringement,” these are all things that American news media can’t broadcast/print anyway, so is Taibbi upset he won’t be able to promote a scam selling counterfeit child pornography that incites terrorism on Twitter? maybe, I don’t know the man. I didn’t even read the newsletter. anything’s possible.

the DSA also covers a broader, vaguer, and more insidious range of content: disinformation. this is where things get murky. what constitutes disinformation? who decides? is disinformation pushed by government officials, usually styled “propaganda,” at issue here? is anything the EU disagrees with false, anything it says true?

these are dark times, epistemologically speaking. for centuries, power maintained tight control with strict monitoring of who can know what, what secrets must be kept. since the the exponential increase in information made available in the last 60 or so years, a different strategy was taken, at least in the West: drown everyone in so much information that it’s impossible to sort through it all and come to an adequately “informed” decision. this makes it so that what’s easiest is to continually seek out confirmatory sources, partitioning off the social sphere into noncommunicable psychic sectors. in such a world, what difference does it make if a few people get the straight dope, if everyone’s convinced their mutually exclusive view of the world is Gospel? and yet here we have a regulatory body, a supranational hierarchical power structure, fretting over the idea that the wrong information might get into the wrong hands.

again, I have no idea if Taibbi wrote about any of this; he can make money keeping his posts behind a velvet rope that I don’t care to be let into. meanwhile, I’m offering all this, for free, and no one even notices.

this is the way the world ends

the situation in Israel demonstrates a cunning on the part of Hamas that some commentators can only explain by arguing that “this is what Netanyahu wants,” or “Mossad knew this would happen, and let it happen.” (gee if that’s the case, then I wonder what other things Mossad might have known about and maybe facilitated, perhaps 22 years ago in Manhattan? I digress) Israel’s domestic politics are not pretty right now, or they weren’t until a week ago, with 38 straight weekends of protests against Netanyahu’s “alleged” corruption indicative of deep divisions in the country. and there’s nothing like an invasion to rally unity in the face of, as Israeli officials are so fond of saying, subhuman barbarian hordes. subhuman barbarian hordes with a keen sense of strategy and timing.

anyone not bought-and-sold, either literally or psychologically, by Israeli propaganda knows it’s ridiculous to condemn violence on the part of Hamas without at least mentioning the nearly 80-year-long campaign of settler colonialism carried about by Zionists under the auspices of Western, namely Anglo-American, patrons. others can detail the systematic, psychopathic destruction of Palestinians, the huge disparities in casualties, the shameless bad faith with which Israel claims its “right to defend itself.” of course, Free Palestine, down with Zionism.

deeper, though, than the overt anti-colonialist struggle, the situation in Israel is a warning shot for the coming crack-up of the neoliberal world order. Israel is and always has been a white colonialist project given justification by cynical deployment of “anti-Semitism”, so that the Anglo-American establishment can maintain an outpost in the oil rich Middle East. the reign of the New Romans (who incidentally operate Empire more like the Spanish than the Romans, but don’t spoil their fun) is only possible so long as pipelines pump that sweet petroleum out of the Arabian desert and into American or British banks. part of maintaining this foothold is in Israel projecting an image of indomitable strength, hence the billions of dollars in funding and arms sent there each year by the United States–Obama signed an agreement that promises $38B to Israel between 2017 and 2028, and Antony Blinkey has said they’re working on sending more aid to assist in what Netanyahu believes will be a prolonged conflict.

if this is to be a prolong conflict, it means that Israel is not in the position of indomitable strength it needs to contain this uprising. a very bad sign for Empire. and if the conflict drags on, those sympathetic to the Palestinian cause will join up with Hamas, further destabilizing the region. the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, long-time supporters of Palestinian liberation, may be called into to provide reinforcements. keep in mind that World War I, aside from being a clusterfuck of petty squabbles between the decrepit houses of the European aristocracy, broke out due to conflicts between empires seeking access to markets and capital. nowadays, China, Russia, and the Anglosphere are competing to assert market dominance in the 21st century. Ukraine serves as proxy conflict between the US and Russia over economic access to the Eurozone. and now, with the promise of a prolonged conflict in the Middle East, the oil fields of the Arabian Peninsula, Iraq, and Iran may now be up for grabs as well.

the US has already promised to dispatch aircraft carriers and destroyers to the Eastern Mediterranean to support Israel’s “right to defend itself,” “enough to start World War III,” according to Marwan Bishara of Al-Jazeera. Bishara worries that Netanyahu may be “tricking the Biden administration into war” with Iran, fulfilling Bibi’s long standing dream of punishing the Islamic Republic for its nuclear program. but Biden has also, despite his gestures towards military withdrawal, promised to not “leave a vacuum to be filled by China, Russia, or Iran” in the Middle East. it would be extremely rash of Netanyahu to expand a conflict that his IDF does not seem operationally capable of sustaining, but then again these kinds of wars don’t explode out of reasoned strategy. and the Empire is buckling, a position that only ever leads to rasher, and more violent, flailing.

and if Lebanese Hezbollah gets involved, Israel may be stretched so thin that its only option will be nuclear. and make no mistake, even without nuclear arms, there’s not much Israel can offer other than total devastation, either in a military victory over the present invasion, or by reducing Gaza, the West Bank, and the entire region, to ruins, fulfilling the doomsday prophecies of the evangelicals, those Jesuits of the Amerikkkan Empire.

but the ruins of the old world are always the fertilizer of the new, and if there is to be a new world, we must rethink what liberation is, where to best direct rebellion, and how to manage resources without the extractive logic of Empire.

hits from T.S. Eliot’s “Tradition and the Individual Talent”

  • No poet, no artist of any art, has his complete meaning alone. His significance, his appreciation is the appreciation of his relation to the dead poets and artists. You cannot value him alone; you must set him, for contrast and comparison, among the dead.
  • It is not desirable to confine knowledge to whatever can be put into a useful shape for examinations, drawing-rooms, or the still more pretentious modes of publicity.
  • What is to be insisted upon is that the poet must develop or procure the consciousness of the past and that he should continue to develop this consciousness throughout his career.
  • The progress of an artist is a continual self-sacrifice, a continual extinction of personality.
  • [T]he mind of the mature poet differs from that of the immature one not precisely in any valuation of “personality,” not being necessarily more interesting, or having “more to say,” but rather by being a more finely perfected medium in which special, or very varied, feelings are at liberty to enter into new combinations.
  • [T]he more perfect the artist, the more completely separate in him will be the man who suffers and the mind which creates; the more perfectly will the mind digest and transmute the passions which are its material.
  •  The poet’s mind is in fact a receptacle for seizing and storing up numberless feelings, phrases, images, which remain there until all the particles which can unite to form a new compound are present together.
  • It is not in his personal emotions, the emotions provoked by particular events in his life, that the poet is in any way remarkable or interesting. His particular emotions may be simple, or crude, or flat. The emotion in his poetry will be a very complex thing, but not with the complexity of the emotions of people who have very complex or unusual emotions in life. One error, in fact, of eccentricity in poetry is to seek for new human emotions to express; and in this search for novelty in the wrong place it discovers the perverse. The business of the poet is not to find new emotions, but to use the ordinary ones and, in working them up into poetry, to express feelings which are not in actual emotions at all. And emotions which he has never experienced will serve his turn as well as those familiar to him.
  • Poetry is not a turning loose of emotion, but an escape from emotion; it is not the expression of personality, but an escape from personality. But, of course, only those who have personality and emotions know what it means to want to escape from these things.
  • The emotion of art is impersonal. And the poet cannot reach this impersonality without surrendering himself wholly to the work to be done. And he is not likely to know what is to be done unless he lives in what is not merely the present, but the present moment of the past, unless he is conscious, not of what is dead, but of what is already living.

mindful pains

against the advisement of my mental health professionals, not to mention my better judgement, I’ve been listening to Death Is Just Around the Corner a lot lately, for the first time in years. why is this a bad idea? aside from Mikey’s contagious pessimism, astute as it may be (though he seems better since kicking junk, and my parasocial well wishes to him for it), it means I’m thinking, as though I don’t already, too much about Pynchon, too much about Gravity’s Rainbow, too much about how maybe there’s nothing left for me to say.

because I only ever need the slightest nudge in that direction, now I’m thinking maybe I’ll reread Gravity’s Rainbow. to be sure, I will eventually. but I probably ought not right now. again, peace be upon MSJ, no shade, one love, all that, but I really don’t want to be a guy who filters basically everything through his understanding of Gravity’s Rainbow. it’s a little much to have every episode of your podcast make reference to, or quote at length, one novel, exhaustive as that novel might seem.

of course, MSJ has a broad and deep understanding of a lot literature, so I don’t mean to suggest otherwise. in fact, I’m envious of how much he seems to know, how thorough and dedicated his thinking is, the conviction and self-assurance he has connecting a variety of disparate ideas. why can’t I seem to maintain that steely-eyed focus? probably because it would make me a spoil-sport, a wet blanket, a crank, an impolite dinner guest. and unfortunately, somewhere along the way, I learned, subconsciously, that it’s a lot easier to be a go along to get along kind of guy. why, I know all too well why. it’s embarrassing how much psychoanalysis still holds true.

with the help of my actual, not metaphorical, mental health professional, who isn’t a psychoanalyst per se, I’m coming to realize a whole host of shit I spent the better part of my life deliberately not realizing. not like, repressed memories or whatever, I don’t even really believe in repressed memories. but working through shit, that’s what making art is for, but also but my internal resistance to fully submerging into what all that shit is is, well, there’s a lot of tricks my ego plays to dissuade me from getting there. one of the most obvious, to me anyway, is thinking about Gravity’s Rainbow, rather than touching upon whatever it is in me that’s fucked.

complicating my own personal internal defense mechanisms is that I have to spend 40 hours a week turning off my ability to feel and think deeply so that I can do customer service. and more than anything, what I envy Pynchon for is having been granted the time and money to lose his fucking mind enough to create a book that seems to encapsulate the whole world. but to do that, he had to really touch upon whatever it is in him that’s fucked, and also whatever it is in the world that’s fucked, and boy howdy is that a lot of pain to feel.

fall temperatures

drying up in the throat as grief over what’s no longer able to be counted on sets in motion a cascading cataclysm we knew was coming and did nothing to avoid. maybe it’s time to quit. sell the car. stop pretending it’s all cool with me, man, whatever you want. as long as you’re okay, i’m okay, okay? okay?! just leave me the fuck alone! i’ll be squatting in the abandoned strip mall grocery store, the one miraculously scheduled for a renovation, the kind of renovation that signals the beginning of the end, because here comes the avant garde, scoping out where the vampires can get their last bit of blood before it all dries up